What We Believe

Are you tired of getting banned on TheDonald for calling niggers by their proper term? Suspended one too many times for posting a conspiracy theory that was too conspiring for c/Conspiracies? Still, waiting 180 days to post again on KA2 because you named the Jew? Is MGTOW maybe just a little too extreme in their hatred of women? Is the diversity and inclusion on c/Christianity getting you down? Maybe you just want to post some Hitler quotes and watch Nazis March without everyone mentally breaking down and being unable to communicate anything legible?

Welcome to ConPro. If you don't fit in anywhere else, you'll do fine here!

The 28 ConPro Precepts

  1. God is the only King.

  2. Natural Law is the Highest Law.

  3. Men are Men, and Women are Women.

  4. Faggotry is Unnatural and Degenerate.

  5. Being Trans is a Mental Disorder.

  6. We must Disobey unjust Laws.

  7. There are no Political Solutions.

  8. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

  9. We must adhere to Duty, and we must be Creators.

  10. My Body my Choice.

  11. ACAB

  12. Truth is the second-highest virtue, to Survival.

  13. Each Species should live with, and preserve its own.

  14. The System is beyond repair and must be replaced with a Parallel System.

  15. Usury is Mammonism, and Mammonism is Evil.

  16. Greatness should be pursued ahead of Happiness.

  17. Pornography is Degenerate.

  18. Strong Body > Strong Mind > Strong Spirit.

  19. Struggle for the sake of Struggle.

  20. Conservatives and Liberals serve the same Occupied Government.

  21. Humans are supposed to live off of their own Land, not from a grocery aisle.

  22. Kindness to Animals.

  23. When we decide to Fight, we will Win.

  24. Constant Improvement.

  25. Non Surrender.

  26. Non Retreat.

  27. Lifting each other up, and dispensing brutally honest advice.

  28. Return to Monkee.

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